Tonkin + Taylor prepared the air discharge assessment for a number of Fulton Hogan’s proposed and existing asphalt plants in Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Southland.

Key achievements include:

  • A review of the activity, emissions sources, and regulatory framework to identify key air quality consenting issues for the site
  • An analysis of the emissions monitoring data to characterise the emissions rates for different fuel types and conditions
  • A review of on-site dust and odour management practices
  • Where needed, preparation of a site-specific three-dimensional meteorological modelling dataset for input to the air dispersion model
  • Undertaking of air dispersion investigations for each plant to assess local air quality impacts
  • Identifying sensitive activities in the environment and background air quality levels
  • Evaluation of the discharges against statutory planning provisions for air quality, including the National Environmental standards for regional plan requirements
  • Drafting resource consent conditions


  • Air quality


  • Fulton Hogan Limited


  • 2021-present

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Fulton Hogan – Asphalt Plant Air Quality Assessments

Fulton Hogan – Asphalt Plant Air Quality Assessments

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