Dam Safety


bluegums Ecolabelling

Bluegums Landfill

Silverstream Landfill

Silverstream Landfill Operations Contract Programme

Asphalt Plant FH

Asphalt Plant Air Quality Assessments – Fulton Hogan

Residential Development chch NZ Steel

Residential Development East Frame, Christchurch

Asphalt Plant FH

National Closed Landfill Risk Assessment Tool

Asphalt Plant FH

Nelson Tasman Stream Design Guidelines

Melbourne Regional Landfill

Melbourne Regional Landfill

college redevelopment

Western Springs College Redevelopment

Auckland Material Recovery Facility

bluegums Ecolabelling

Ecolabelling – Eco Choice Aotearoa

Stolthaven Wynyard North, Auckland

Christchurch Town Hall

Christchurch Town Hall

Te Wānanga

Te Wānanga

Residential Development chch NZ Steel

New Zealand Steel

Redvale Landfill

Redvale Landfill

Mordialloc Freeway, engineering consultancies

Mordialloc Freeway

LEAD Housing Development Programme, Auckland

LEAD Housing Development Programme, Auckland


PwC Centre

Drury South Precinct

Drury South Crossing Precinct

Project waterview tunnel

Waterview Connection

Cobham Drive Marine Habitat Enhancement

Whitford Landfill Design

City Rail Link

Te Ara Tupua Shared Cycle and Walkway

Coffs Harbour Bypass Investigation

New Zealand Defence Force Base Ōhakea

Clifton to Tāngōio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120

Residential Development chch NZ Steel

New Zealand Geotechnical Database

Flood Management Programme (GWRC)

Achilles Point

Southern Green Hydrogen

Climate and Hazard Resilience

Auckland Shoreline Adaptation

Nelson Climate Adaptation – Story Map

Kate Valley Landfill

Downtown Infrastructure Programme (Quay St)

National Climate Change Risk Assessment (NCCRA)

Peka Peka to Ōtaki (PP2Ō) Expressway

Taumanu Reserve – Onehunga Foreshore Restoration

Pukeahu War Memorial Park

Lower Manawatū Sediment Study

Airport Acoustics, Wellington

Surface Water Scientists

Large Industrial Sites – Water Quality Management

Residential Development chch NZ Steel

Devonport Recycling Centre Redevelopment

Asphalt Plant FH

Waiohine River Geomorphic Trends Assessment

bluegums Ecolabelling


Kopurererua Stream Realignment & Sediment Management Project

Land and Buildings Auckland Waterfront

Commercial Bay Queen Street

bluegums Ecolabelling

Wellington Town Hall

ProjectOrbit (SaaS)